Traiectum Piano Quartet

Het Traiectum Piano Quartet bestaat uit Anne Frijns (piano) Saskia Frijns (viool), Bart Folkers (altviool) en Fernando Romaguera Lara (cello). De musici wonen alle in Utrecht en houden ervan om naast hun werk in o.a. verschillende orkesten ook samen kamermuziek te maken.

Komend najaar geeft het Traiectum Piano Quartet de eerste twee concerten!


Last weekend, it was time for something completely different than usual: an evening of acoustic trance music! Trance vocalist Susana was celebrating the 15th anniversary of her career, and I was lucky to take part in this very special concert.

Looking forward to a musical summer!

Photo: Nic Limper (Muziekzomer) This summer, I will be performing a variety of music in different locations. You can see me in July and August with the following projects: Metropole Academy at Tomorrowland Festival in Boom, Belgium: 21st July and 28th NJO Muziekzomer tour in Gelderland with Duo Stellina: 3rd of August – Veluvine…


In February, I travelled to Palma de Mallorca to perform a concert there as a member of the orchestra with Krzysztof Penderecki. A very special event!

Master Final Exam – 1st of June

The time has come for me to finish my studies at the Utrecht Conservatory. I’m very much looking forward to share the stage with many fantastic musicians and to play music that I love. Everyone is warmly invited to come and listen! Programme: Joey Roukens – Capriccio ‘Un Cuadro de Yucatán’  César Franck – Violin…

Survey: beta blockers and performance anxiety

Dear musicians! For my master research I have published a small survey about stage fright and the use of beta blockers by musicians (in English). It is very important that I collect as many responses as possible, and each of your responses can make a difference for my research. I would be very, very grateful…